Disability & Social Security

Disability & Social Security


Social Security is a Federal program that most people believe only provides retirement benefits. This is not the case. There is a complex disability component to the Social Security program.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is part of the Federal Social Security program that provides monthly disability payments to those who are younger than full retirement age, unable to engage in substantial employment activities and have enough quarters of work credit to qualify for benefits.

Supplement Security Income (SSI) is part of the Social Security Program that provides monthly disability benefits to those who have not worked long enough to qualify for SSDI.

To qualify for either program, a claimant must prove to the Social Security Administration that he or she is disabled under the Social Security Administration’s rules. Social Security finds a claimant disabled when the claimant proves that they are not capable of doing substantial, gainful employment.

Who is disabled and who is not disabled has evolved into a complex question that is not always easily answered. As a result, the Social Security application and decision process has become increasingly complex and now, more than ever, requires that a skilled Social Security Lawyer be involved in the process from the beginning application.

Social Security denies approximately 70% - 75% of the applications for disability. Approximately 60% -70% of these denials are turned into accepted claims after either reconsideration or a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. Having a Social Security Disability Lawyer working for you at these stages can greatly increase your chances of success at the reconsideration or Administrative Law Judge hearing level before the Social Security Administration.

If you are applying for Social Security Disability benefits, having a lawyer on your side that has a strong knowledge of how the Social Security Disability claims process works is critical and can greatly improve your chances of getting your case approved in the application stage or at the hearing level.

Winning your Social Security Disability case is very important not only because of the basic financial support these benefits provide, but also because of the medical care that is provided under the Federal Medicare program after you win your case.